Fascinating New Interactive Fens Waterways Map for Narrowboaters
The new Fox Narrowboats waterways map is now live, and includes images, icons and highlights so that you can always find what you want, when you want it.Read more ›
Meet Father Christmas at Wicken Fen with a winter walk. Anglesey Abbey has a winter show called “Nature by Night, Nature by Light” and see the gardens come to light. Festive food is being offer at Wisbech Fayre including mulled wine and chestnuts.Read more ›
Visit the mysterious Fens, these upcoming Halloween events. Hallowe’en Ghost Tours in Ely, The Haunted House Tour at Oliver Cromwell’s House and Witches and Witchcraft.Read more ›
Did you go on holiday last year? Did you mainly work from home? Were you hoping it would be all back to ‘normal’ by now? If there’s one thing 2021 has taught us it’s to be flexible with whatever we…Read more ›
Cambridge George and the Chocolate Factory – Open Cambridge This is a free children’s workshop. Discover the story of George Cadbury, a Quaker entrepreneur poor housing of workers in factories across Birmingham. There will be exciting storytelling, craft and of…Read more ›
Today as the river Great Ouse hosts the boat race we are fortunate to have a guest post from David Goode Fellow and Praelector of Wolfson College Cambridge regarding the boat race channel on the river Great Ouse. My friend,…Read more ›
Want to try narrowboating on England’s quieter rivers? Or taste champagne in a world famous college? View internationally acclaimed works of art? You may like to visit the ‘city of perspiring dreams’; a world famous University City. Cambridge is the…Read more ›
Do you live in Peterborough, Wisbech, Ely or Huntingdon? Want to get together with some friends and family? Have you thought about hiring a narrowboat, just for a day? A relaxing boat trip on the Cambridge river network could be…Read more ›