Fascinating New Interactive Fens Waterways Map for Narrowboaters
The new Fox Narrowboats waterways map is now live, and includes images, icons and highlights so that you can always find what you want, when you want it.Read more ›
As the Covid-19 restrictions were lifted in England on July 19th 2021, there are now no limits on social contact, meaning people can meet inside or outside with as many people as they want. This will give holiday makers far…Read more ›
Are you planning to surprise your loved one this spring? Looking for something different to the usual ideas, gifts, hotels and breaks? Want to avoid staying in an overbooked hotel with dozens of other couples? The answer is to book…Read more ›
Following on from the IWA Campaign cruise on the Old Bedford river on 19th and 20th August 2018 prior to the IWA Festival at water at St Neots we can update you on the progress. Only one narrow boat made…Read more ›
Are you visiting the Inland Waterways Association Festival of Water at St Neots this August? Do you want to tick off a boating area new to you? Are you interested in exploring the tidal Nene? This journey is for experienced private…Read more ›
Are you a food and dining enthusiast? Do you love cooking at home? Are you a follower of TV chefs? Whether you are eating in or dining out on your narrowboat holiday there are plenty of ways to enjoy good…Read more ›
As the summer narrowboat holiday season approaches we asked the Fox Narrowboats team what are some of the best pubs on the Fenland waterways? They were only too pleased to do some pub-related research, and suggested these three riverside pubs…Read more ›
An advantage of taking a British summer holiday is that there’s nothing quite like visiting a succession of traditional English pubs to enjoy a cosy, nostalgic feeling of times gone by. For those that enjoy a leisurely pub stroll, a…Read more ›