How do you decide where to stop? How long will it take to get there? And where is the nearest pub or shop to the mooring? Read more ›
No Experience? No Problem! You Too Can Go Narrowboating! Basics for setting off, stopping & steering. How to work a canal lock. Read more ›
Have you seen the latest addition to the flags flying here in the mooring basin? Our newest addition to the flags that we fly here is the Fenland Flag designed by James Bowman. On the flag design the yellow centre…Read more ›
What are the most popular New Year’s Resolutions? The most common resolutions often revolve around exercise, health and weight loss, saving money and spending more time with family and friends. At the start of every New Year, many people set…Read more ›
Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions? Have you ever begun a January exercise program, only to abandon it by February? Would you like to increase your chances for long term success? The answer could be to combine your fitness…Read more ›