Proving the curvature of the earth on the Old Bedford River, Chris Howes explores! From the secure perspective of the 21st Century we all know which camp we belong to, Zetetics or Globularists. No longer do heated arguments rage in…Read more ›
Following on from the IWA Campaign cruise on the Old Bedford river on 19th and 20th August 2018 prior to the IWA Festival at water at St Neots we can update you on the progress. Only one narrow boat made…Read more ›
Non tidal access to the historic Old Bedford River was lost in 2006 when the E.A. closed Welches Dam Lock, thus stopping access to a waterway that had been navigated for over 350 years. Since the closure various attempts have…Read more ›
Waterways campaigner and IWA Peterborough Branch member John Revell talks about his latest campaigning trip on the local navigations. Lois and Roy Parker in their cruiser and Alastair and Jonathan Chambers and myself in my Fox narrowboat attempted to enter…Read more ›