Blog Archives

Why an April Narrowboat Holiday is the Perfect Spring Getaway

Escape to the waterways this spring with a narrowboat holiday! April and May are the perfect time to cruise through peaceful Fenland landscapes, spot wildlife, and enjoy cosy stops at waterside pubs.
(680 words 2.5 mins)Read more ›

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Stop Gongoozling and Start Canal Boating!

  Don’t you just love watching the narrowboats go by in the summer? Did you know that watching boats pass by is known as “gongoozling”? Do you want to stop gongoozling and have a go at boating this year? YouRead more ›

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£1744.76 donation to March Defibrillators!

Following another successful fundraising year the staff and customers at Fox Narrowboats have raised £1744.76 for March Defibrillators during their Charity of the Year events.  March and the surrounding area has 35 defibrillators following a campaign started by March Councillor Rob Skoulding. Read more ›

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8 Surprising Adventures Holiday Boaters Had This Year

It’s been a great summer on the East Anglian waterways this year; narrowboaters have enjoyed sunny cruises, music festivals, cream teas, tiny villages, cathedrals and colleges, locks and moorings, pubs and restaurants, holidays and day trips. Here’s a roundup ofRead more ›

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Open Day fun and St George’s Fayre

Wow, what a busy week we have had here at Fox Narrowboats.  Firstly, we started with the Drifters hire boat open day on Sunday 15th April.  This was attended by approximately 300 people with around 200 of them taking toRead more ›

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Warning: Time Running Out for Boaters Who Love Live Music

Do you love live music? Do you enjoy a lively festival? Want to combine a festival with this year’s narrowboat holiday? Time is running out to book a narrowboat holiday that coincides with St Georges Fayre, our local festival thatRead more ›


How to Celebrate St Georges Day on a Narrowboat Holiday

St Georges Day 2017 is on Sunday 23rd April. The patron saint of England is most commonly associated with the mythical tale of St George and the Dragon. Legend has it that George slayed a dragon that was terrorising theRead more ›

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MAGPAS presented with a cheque following a sucessful fundraising year!

Fox Narrowboats staff visited the MAGPAS air ambulance base at Wyton last week to present them with a cheque for £2,394.59. The money had been raised by staff at the company during 2016. On arrival, they were greeted by SteveRead more ›

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MAGPAS will benefit at March St George’s Fayre.

Our fundraising for charity of the year  2016 MAGPAS Air Ambulance is now well underway. Our Easter treasurer hunt was well supported by our mooring customers and netted £34.50 We are looking forward to again running boat trips at the MarchRead more ›

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Fun at St Georges Fayre

 A team from Fox Narrowboats took part in the March town St Georges Fayre on Sunday 26th April running boat trips to raise money for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices.  12 boat trips ran throughout the day along the Old NeneRead more ›

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