Organic Fenland Food
Fenland’s rich black soil is some of the most productive in the country and the range of crops the most diverse. Crops range from cereals (wheat and barley), root crops (potatoes, carrots and sugar beet), to brassicas (sprouts, cabbages and cauliflowers). The Fens are scattered with farm shops and roadside stalls selling fresh and inexpensive fruit and vegetables in season. The traditional markets scattered across the region are a good source for fresh local produce.
Rapeseed Oil an alternative to olive oil produced locally in The Fens. Fenland Organic Veg boxes from Organics can be ordered from Tesco to be on board your boat when you arrive.
Market days for purchasing local produce
Cambridge | Daily |
Ely | Thursday |
Ely Farmers Market | 2nd and 4th Saturday |
March | Wednesday & Saturday |
March Farmers Market | Last Wednesday Month |
Thrapston | Tuesday |
Oundle | Thursday |
St Ives | Monday |
Fenland Carrot Cake

organic carrot cake
Ingredients: 225g (8oz) unwashed Fenland Carrots, 115g (4oz) honey, 3 eggs separated, 1 tablespoon of rum/whisky/dry sherry, 225g (8oz) wholemeal flour, 1 orange rind finely grated, 1 level teaspoon each of mixed spice and cinnamon. Beat egg yolks with honey until thick and creamy. Whisk egg whites until stiff but not dry. Mix in minced carrots, rind, flour and spices to egg yolks. Fold in egg whites. Pour into a non-stick 7/8in cake tin and bake for 40-50 mins at 350 F / 180 C (gas mark 4).